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Bone and Joint Surgery
MedAsia Healthcare Complex believes that the road to optimum health and quick recovery begins with a well-informed patient. We provide one of the best orthopedic groups in Bangkok specializing in the care of the musculoskeletal system. We are dedicated to provide compassionate care to our patients. We benefit from the varied knowledge and skills of all our surgeons enabling us to provide comprehensive orthopedic care and services.

We provide different services to assist our patients in their needs.

1. General Orthopedic - this service is to provide diagnosis and treatments to certain diseases.
• Arthritis
• Gout
• Fibrimyalgia
• Gout
• Lyme Disease
• Osteoarthritis
• Osteoporosis
• Psoriatic Arthritis
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Septic Arthritis
• Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
• Tendonitis
• Viral Arthritis

2. Fractures and all types of dislocated joints which is caused by accident or sports
A bone fracture or broken bone occurs when a force exerted against a bone is stronger than it can structurally withstand. The most common site for bone fractures includes the wrist, ankle and hip fracture that occurs most on older people. There are different types of bone fracture, some are more severe than others, depending on the strength and direction of the force, the particular bone involved, and the person’s age and general health.
Different types of fracture include:

       • Greenstick Fracture- a small, slender crack in the bone. This is more common in children.
       • Hairline Fracture- most common form is a stress fracture, often occurring in the foot or lower leg as a result of repeated stress from activities such as jogging or running
       • Closed (Simple) Fracture- the broken bone has not pierced the skin
       • Open (Compound) Fracture- the broken bone comes out to the skin, or wound leads to the fracture site.
       • Complicated Fracture- structures surrounding the fracture are injured. There may be damaged to the veins, arteries or nerves; there may also be injury in the lining of the bone.
       • Comminuted Fracture- the bone is shattered into small pieces. This type of fracture tends to heal more slowly
       • Pathological Fracture- bones weakened by a disease (such as osteoporosis or cancer) can break with very little force.
       • Avulsion Fracture- muscles are anchored to bone with tendons, a type of connective tissue. Powerful muscle contractions can wrench the tendon free and pull out pieces of bone. This is more common in knee and shoulder joints.
       • Compression Fracture- occurs when two bones are forced against each other. The bones of the spine, called vertebrae, can have this type of fracture.

3. Sport Medicine Consultation
Sports Medicine applies to many classes of people in addition to competitive athletes. This specialty deals with diagnosis and treatment of activity related injuries to muscles, tendons, nerves, ligaments, bones and joints, whether they are from a bona fide sport, work or other “non-sport” related causes. This program is specially concerned with non-surgical approaches to these injuries, and, in addition, requires in depth understanding of several areas, including nutrition, exercise physiology, exercise prescription, internal medicine, pregnancy and exercise as well as biomechanics.

As part of Sports Medical Consultation, we focus on:

       • Treat sports and activity- related issues
       • Establish appropriate exercise programs
       • Provide preventive care

4. Injuries or Chronic Pain from Sports
Sports related injuries do not discriminate based on age or ability. Athletes, from professionals to weekend warriors are vulnerable to chronic pain as the result of injuries. Persistent pain can stall progress with rehab or physical therapy and keep individuals from returning to their activities that may have been affected.

At MedAsia Healthcare Complex, we treat athletes for a variety of chronic pain conditions related to peripheral nerve damage. For this, MedAsia Healthcare Complex offers you hope to relieve pain that has not responded to traditional treatments.

Common nerve related conditions:
       • Blunt or repetitive injury to the neck shoulder interface (brachial plexus)
       • Chronic shoulder pain after repair or reconstruction
       • Persistent elbow pain from tennis elbow (Lateral epicondylitis), golfers elbow (medial epicondylitis), elbow fractures or reconstruction
       • Chronic wrist pain from sprains or fractures
       • Chronic groin pain from blunt injury, groin pull, sports hernia (e.g. groin pull from repetitive soccer style kicking)
       • Chronic knee pain after reconstructive surgery, multiple arthroscopies, or trauma that has no true mechanical injury only pain
       • Chronic ankle or foot pain

5. Arthritis
Arthritis means inflammation of the joints. Inflammation generally includes symptoms of redness, heat, swelling, and pain. Many different diseases can result in inflammation of the joints. In some type of arthritis, the cause is known but in others, it is still unknown. Some types of arthritis have fast progression but others take time.

Here are some types of Arthritis that we handle:
       • Arthritis of the foot and ankle
       • Arthritis of the hand
       • Arthritis of the knee
       • Arthritis of the shoulder
       • Arthritis of the thumb
       • Arthritis of the wrist
       • Gout
       • Inflammatory arthritis of the hip
       • Osteonecrosis of the hip
       • Patellofemoral Arthritis
       • Rheumatoid Arthritis
       • Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Foot and Ankle
       • Synovial Chondromatosis

6. Osteoarthritis for Old Age
With age, an individual becomes more prone to various diseases. In old age, every organ of the body needs some special and extra care to ward away diseases and deformities. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition of the joints that is characterized by pain, swelling and restricted movements. Although any joint can be affected, osteoarthritis occurs more often in the hip, spine and knees because these are the weight bearing joints of the body. The articulating facets (ends of the bone involved in the formation of a joint) within joints have a slippery tissue known as cartilage in between. In Osteoarthritis, this cartilage gradually gets destroyed, either as a result of the normal aging process or because of other of other pathological processes. The symptoms of osteoarthritis are slow to develop and their intensity increases in time. As osteoarthritis progresses, the cartilage surface that is usually smooth becomes rough and causes irritation. If the cartilage gets damaged completely, the ends of the bones forming the joint begin to rub against each other and giving rise to severe pain. People over 40 years of age may develop osteoarthritis as a part of the normal aging process. Women seem to be more prone to developing the disease as compared to men.

7. Joint Replacement Surgeries
Joint replacement surgery is typically recommended to patients who have tried non-surgical treatment but still have joint pain. This surgery involves the removal of the worn cartilage from both sides of the joint, followed by resurfacing of the joint with a metal and plastic replacement implant that looks and functions much like your normal joint. Most replacement surgery involves the hip or knee. While this is an extremely effective surgical treatment, total joint replacement should be considered as the last, rather than the first, treatment option for patients with advanced arthritis of the hip, knee or shoulder.

MedAsia Healthcare Complex have different types of replacement procedures.
    > High Tibial Osteotomy (Knee Osteotomy)- surgical procedure that may be recommended if you have arthritis damage in just one area of your knee. This is most commonly performed on people who may be considered as too young for a total knee replacement.

2 Types: a. Unicompartment Knee Arthroplasty- partial knee replacement is an option for a small percentage of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.
b. Total Knee Arthroplasty- can help relieve pain and restore function is severely diseased knee joints.

   > Shoulder Arthroplasty (Shoulder Replacement)- Like the hip and knee, the shoulder may become arthritic and painful as people age. This surgery is a successful, pain-relieving option for many people.

   > Hip Arthroplasty( Hip Replacement)- It involves in removing a diseased hip joint and replacing it with artificial joint, called a prosthesis. Hip prosthesis consist of a ball component, made of metal or ceramic, and a socket, which has an insert, meaning they are designed to be accepted by the body and they are made to resist corrosion, degradation and wear.

8. Arthroscopic Surgery
Arthroscopic surgery is a common orthopedic procedure that is used to diagnose and treat problems and joints. this is a surgical procedure by which the internal structure of a joint is examined for diagnosis and treatment using a tube-like viewing instrument called an arthroscope. Arthroscopy can be helpful in the diagnosis and treatment of many non-inflammatory, inflammatory and infectious type of arthritis as well as various injuries within the joints. Non-inflammatory Arthritis or Osteoarthritis can be seen using the arthroscope as frayed and irregular cartilage. Also, this is used for isolated cartilage for younger patients where arthroscope used to repair crevasses in the cartilage using a paste of a patient’s own cartilage cells harvested and grown in the laboratory.

9. Bone and Joint Correction that is Congenitally Acquired or by Accident
Congenital problems include limb length discrepancy, contractures and stiffness of joints, angular and rotational deformities of bones, missing of bones, joints and parts of the limb. In the lower extremity, foot, knee and hip deformities are commonly associated with congenital problems. Also, some diseases can lead to bone loss due to either the injury or resection. Bone loss may be manifested as a bone defect or as limb length discrepancy or both.

Treatment goals for these are correction of deformity and improvement of joint mobility and length discrepancy. In some cases, restoration of missing parts can be achieved. In addition, re-establishment of the integrity of the bone with elimination of the bone defect is also one of the main priorities of this treatment.

10. Leg Length Inequality
Differences between the lengths of the upper and/ or lower arms and the upper and/ or lower legs are called limb length discrepancies (LLD). Except in extreme cases, arm length differences cause little or no problem in how the arms function.

Here at MedAsia, we have surgical and non-surgical approach in treating the limb length discrepancy. Specific treatment for leg length discrepancy is determined based on child’s age, overall health, medical history, and extent of discrepancy, child’s tolerance for specific medications, procedures and therapies.

11. Microscopic Surgery
Microscopic surgeries are treatment used for urology ailments. This type of surgery can be used for a wide variety of conditions, including tumor removal. This surgery is minimally invasive and has great patient success rates. It is also less painful and the patient typically has a quicker recovery time.

12. Hand Deformity
A hand deformity is a disorder of the hand that can be congenital or acquired. Many upper extremity malformations cause little function deficit. Children develop pre-tensions with hands as they are and they usually are not self- conscious of difference until they become socialized in school. In contrast, parents may be dismayed by the appearance of an anomalous hand and maybe hoping that surgery can create a normal hand. Early surgery is defined as that performed within the first 2 years of life. Advantages include the full potential for growth, development, and patterns of use; improved scarring; early incorporation of the reconstructed part; and reduce psychological effect. Most surgeons perform these operations when the patient is in the second year of life but no later than when the patient enters the school.

13. Brachial Plexus Injury
This injury is an injury to the brachial plexus (the network of nerves that sends signals from your spine to your shoulder, arm and hand) a brachial plexus injury occurs when these nerves are stretched or, in the most serious cases, torn. This happens as a result of your shoulder being pressed down forcefully while your head is pushed up and away from that shoulder. These injuries are common in contact sports, but they frequently result from auto or motorcycle accidents or falls. Also, other conditions such as inflammation or tumors may affect the brachial plexus.

14. Back Pain from Work Injuries and Herniated Lumbar Disc
Low back pain refers to pain that you feel in your lower back. You may also have back stiffness, decreased movement of the lower back, and difficulty standing straight. Acute back pain can last from a few days to a few weeks. One single event may not cause a pain. A person might have been doing many things improperly such as standing or lifting for a long time. Then suddenly, one simple movement like bending from your waist leads to pain. Back pain is one of the most common health complains. Most of the time, the exact cause of the pain cannot be found. Also, a person may have herniated disc, where part of the spinal disk pushed onto nearby nerves. Normally, the disc provides a space and cushion in your spine. If these disks dry out and become thinner and more brittle, a person can lose movement in the spine over the time. If the spaces between the spinal nerves and spinal cord become narrowed, this can lead to spinal stenosis. These problems are called degenerative joint or spine disease.

Many people with chronic back pain have arthritis and extra wear and tear on the spine. This may be due to:
       • Heavy use from work or sports
       • Past injuries and fractures
       • Past surgery

15. Spinal Surgery
Spinal surgery is usually done to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. Surgeons can remove portions of bone to widen the narrowed area in the bones of your spine (vertebrae). Removing the gel- like middle portion of a ruptured disk also may help relieve pressure on pinched nerves. Sometimes, it is necessary to removed the entire disk and fuse together the adjoining vertebrae that remain.

Some of the diseases that needs back surgery are:
       • Kyphosis - humpback deformity
       • Scoliosis - curvature of the spine
       • Spondylolithesis - the forward slippage of a segment of the spine
       • Spinal Stenosis - narrowing of the spinal canal typically from arthritis
       • Radiculopathy - the irritation & inflammation of a nerve caused by herniated disk
       • Degenerative Disk Disease - the development of pain in a disk as a result of its normal wear and tear.

Different Types of Back Surgery:

       • Discectomy- involves removal of the herniated portion of a disk surgery and typically involves full or partial removal of the back portion of a vertebra (lamina) to access the ruptured disk.
       • Laminectomy- this procedure involves the removal of the bone. Overlying the spinal canal. It enlarges the spinal canal and is performed to relieve nerve pressure caused by spinal stenosis.
       • Fusion- spinal fusion permanently connects 2 or more bones called vertebrae. This restricts the motion between the bones of the spine. Fusion also limits the stretching of nerves.
       • Foraminectomy- the surgeon cuts away bone and the sides of vertebrae to widen the space where nerve roots exit the spine. The enlarged space may relieve pressure on the nerves, thereby relieving pain.
       • Disk Replacement- a surgeon removes damaged spinal discs and inserts an artificial disc between the vertebrae. Disc replacement permits continued motion of the spine. It is gaining popularity as an alternative to spinal fusion.

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