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Treatment of Gum Disease in Thailand
Treatment of Gum Disease in Thailand

A smile is a perfect gift to those around you. However, if you have a dark gum line, won’t you be embarrassed to smile? We at MedAsia Healthcare Complex located in Thailand understand this condition perfectly and have a fantastic solution.

We have all heard it said before that the best cure for a disease is prevention and this applies to our gums as well. The best way to treat gum disease is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. The best prevention of gum disease is to have impeccable oral hygiene. This will keep you from getting gum diseases like periodontitis or the dreaded acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.

Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene does not need to be made out to seem like a complicated affair. First and foremost, one has to brush the teeth twice a day. The recommended time is when you wake up and before you go to sleep.

Another good hygienic habit is to make sure that you floss your teeth on a regular basis. Every single day would be ideal but every other day is fine as well.

Last but not least, you are encouraged to pay your dentist at MedAsia Healthcare Complex, Thailand a visit at least twice a year so that any problems can be dealt with before they go too far.

Treatment of Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (ANUG) & Periodontitis

Before you begin any treatment for ANUG or periodontitis, you first have to pay a visit to your general practitioner who will get you ready for the treatments you will receive from your dentist. Below are the treatments that are used by dentists for gum disease, ANUG and Periodontitis. One has to realize that antibiotics alone cannot treat these gum diseases and so the following treatments must be carried out as well.
  • Scale Polish – This treatment is carried out by the dentist to remove plaque and tartar that is deposited on your teeth. Tartar is a hardened form of plaque. The process involves the scraping away of the plaque and tartar that is on and in between your teeth. Once this process, called scaling, has been finished, the dentist will then polish your teeth. This is done to get rid of any stains that come from smoking or colored foods and drinks. If you have not been getting this treatment regularly, the dentist will do it more than once to restore your teeth to their best condition.
  • Root Planning – This is also called debridement and it is carried out when you have gum disease or periodontitis. The dentist basically cleans below the gums so that he can remove any bacteria that are spreading at the roots of the teeth. This procedure requires a little anesthetic so that you do not experience too much pain.
  • Antibiotic Treatment – Severe cases of gum disease will require the dentist to prescribe some antibiotics like Metronidazole or amoxicillin. These have to be administered for a minimum of 3 days and are not the full treatment on their own. The dentist may have to add another treatment like root planning. Those who are allergic to penicillin cannot take amoxicillin, as it will have adverse effects. Women who are pregnant or taking contraceptives will also have to avoid them.
If the above treatments are not enough for a specific case of gum disease, ANUG or periodontitis, our dentists at MedAsia Healthcare Complex, Thailand may ask you to go for dental surgery.
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