Health Check up is much more than merely physical health, exercise or nutrition. It is the full integration of physical, mental and spiritual well- being. For MedAsia Healthcare Complex, “Health is wealth and a lifestyle”. A way of living that encourages good physical and mental health. It is a balanced lifestyle that includes on the emphasis of body, mind and spirit. To maintain wellness body function, we created a Health Check up Program that will evaluate the body system to determine an individual’s health status.
Health check up is important to everyone. Regular health exams and tests can help to find problems before they start. They also can help to find problems early, when the chances of treatment and cure are better. By getting the right health services, screenings and treatments you are taking step that help your chances for living a longer, healthier life. Your age, health and family history, lifestyle choices and other important factors impact what and how often you need healthcare.
MedAsia cares about everyone’s health. We use several tests, physical examinations or other procedures to detect disease early in people who look or feel well. This is different from diagnostic tests which are done when someone is already showing signs and symptoms of disease. We do have several health and wellness programs to help you sustain a balance and healthy life.
We focus more on Health Screening as it is the window to your health status. We have several tests for Health Screening. Our main tests involves Blood group, Kidney function, Liver function, Urinalysis and Fecalysis (Stool Exam). For aged people and with specified health conditions, we also have an additional test or screening for them depending on their condition especially people with cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, diabetes, etc.
- Blood Group Test – a Complete Blood Count (CBC) gives important information about the kinds and number of cells in the blood, especially red blood cell, white blood cell and platelets. This test can be ordered as part of a routine check up to check presence of infection and rule out unexplained bleeding and bruising. Also, this can help to check the cause of blood loss, abnormalities in the production or destruction of blood cells, acute and chronic infections, allergies and problems with blood clotting.
- Kidney Function – a simple yet important practical test which aids doctors in their diagnosis and provides leads to other medical conditions. It is useful in detecting metabolic and systemic diseases affecting kidneys. Result of this is helpful in diagnosing urinary tract infection (UTI); diagnosing kidney stones; screening for and evaluating many types of kidney diseases, and monitoring the progression of diseases such as diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure (hypertension).
- Liver Function Test – blood test used to help diagnose and monitor liver disease or damage. The tests measure the level of certain enzymes and proteins in the body. Liver function test can be used to screen for liver infection; monitor the progression of a disease, such as viral or alcoholic hepatitis, and determine how well the treatment is working; measure the severity of disease, particularly scarring of the liver (cirrhosis); monitor possible side effect of medications.
For Blood Chemistries:
- Nothing per oral (NPO) after dinner. Subject is not allowed to eat or drink before the test.
- Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) 8 to 12 hours fasting
- Uric Acid 8 hours fasting
- Lipid Profile 9 to 12 hours fasting (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, VLDL)
With special preparation
- BUN – avoid diet high in meat a day before the exam
- Calcium – avoid calcium supplements for 8-12 hours
- Magnesium – avoid medicines (antacids, diuretics) with magnesium for 3 days before the exam
For Fecal Occult Blood
- Avoid eating red meat, fish, turnips, horse radish, broccoli, cauliflower, cantaloupe citrus fruits and Vitamin C containing foods 2-3 days prior to the test.
- Avoid taking aspirin or other anti- inflammatory drugs 7 days prior to test.
- Clear, wide-mouth bottle should be used.
- Specimen should not be contaminated with urine, toilet paper or menstrual blood.
- Collect small amount of stool. Do not overfill container.
- Do not seal tightly to allow escape of gas.
- Bring the sample to the laboratory within an hour of collection.
Urine Collection
- Bladder should be moderately full.
- Foreskin should be completely retracted.
- Tip of the penis should be thoroughly cleansed.
- Collect midstream sample at the clinic facility. Sample should fill at least half of container.
- Use very clean if not sterile container.
- Bring sample immediately to the laboratory.
- Urethral opening should be thoroughly cleansed.
- Lips of vagina should be spread.
- Collect midstream sample. Sample should fill at least half of the container.
- Avoid contaminating sample with menstrual blood and vaginal discharge.
- Use very clean and sterile container.
- Bring sample immediately to the laboratory.
Stool Collection
- Use clear, wide-mouth bottle should be used.
- Specimen should not be contaminated with urine or toilet paper.
- Collect small amount of stool. Do not overfill container.
- Do not seal tightly to allow escape of gas.
- Bring sample immediately to the laboratory within an hour after collection.
Blood Extraction
The collection of blood samples is a standard procedure carefully performed by well-trained medical technologists. Although majority of the patients do not suffer from any side effects, a small percentage may experience some discomfort.
A Hematoma or lump accompanied by bruising may occur during the collection of a blood sample. This may be caused by the needle passing through the underside of the vein and blood seeping out of the vein into the surrounding tissue. Although hematoma is a recognized complication of the procedure, it occurs in less than 0.1% of collects. If this happens, you should apply pressure for up to 5 minutes and then apply ice for another 5 minutes. The site may be sore for a few days and bruising may last for about 10 days, but there will be no lasting effects.
A small bruise, which appears at the venipuncture site, is usually due to blood leaking from the hole in the vein into the surrounding tissue. Applying pressure to the affected site immediately after the collection may help prevent bruising. It is important that firm pressure be applied for at least three minutes or longer. Small bruises usually disappear in a few days and do not require medical attention.
If you feel like fainting, inform the attending staff immediately. Stay in the Collection Room until you feel better and if possible, do not drive for at least half an hour. The next time you have a blood test; inform the attending staff that you have a history of fainting, so that he can assist you accordingly.
On the day prior to the exam:
- For females undergoing pap smear, it is recommended by most Gynecologic Oncologist to refrain from sexual intercourse for at least 24 hours before the exam.
- Have a light and fat free meal the night prior to the scheduled exam.
- Fast starting 12 midnight (absolutely nothing per oral); light snack (beverage, crackers or sandwich) is allowed at 9:30pm.
On the day of the check up:
- No breakfast in the morning even candies, juice, coffee, milk and smoking must be avoided.
- Patient must be at the clinic on the scheduled time.
- Bring jogging pants or shorts, t-shirt (preferably cotton), rubber shoes and bath towel for the treadmill stress test.
- Bring the stool specimen taken in the morning within an hour before the scheduled exam.
- On arrival at the clinic, look for the Patient Care Coordinator. He/She will assist you in undergoing your check up.