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IPS Empress System in Thailand
IPS Empress System in Thailand

Do you want a smile makeover? Are your teeth stained, poorly shaped or have large gaps in between? With the help of the IPS Empress System our dentists at MedAsia Healthcare Complex, Thailand, can make your dreams come true. All types of issues including changing size, overall shape, replacing missing teeth or improving black gum lines are taken care of professionally and efficiently at our center.

Discover the best way!

One of the best ways to improve your smile is by using IPS Empress Veneers, which are made from porcelain and are very thin. Though they are made of only a thin layer of porcelain, they are cemented very firmly to the front side of your teeth to hide imperfections like chipped or broken teeth, discolored teeth and poorly shaped teeth. These veneers are tailor-made to your requirements and offer a natural-like appearance. The important factor here is that they do not irritate your gum tissue and you can continue with your regular dental hygiene routine.

The great thing about porcelain veneers is that they are stain resistant, so they retain their amazing whiteness. They are custom-made for each individual and the end result is that they give you a lovely white smile!

Alternative to metallic restorations

The IPS Empress System is a fantastic alternative to metallic restorations as not only is it very effective, but it offers a natural look by using ceramic materials only. Empress Veneers are unquestionably the most economic and efficient remedy for most dental defects. They are often known as “instant orthodontics” as they can straighten your crooked teeth very fast and give you a smile that can be rated as a “perfect 10”.

We at MedAsia Healthcare Complex, Thailand, guarantee that Empress Veneers are extremely durable; over 35 million people have benefited from these. Their long lasting properties are attributed to the high quality glass ceramic materials, which are used. Even if you have allergies, Express Veneers are perfect for you as they are not toxic and have no injurious effects on your mouth’s biological functions.

Once the dentist has assessed your tooth, he will direct the lab technician to first model the crowns in wax. The restoration is covered in a special substance and then put into a furnace. The restoration is pressed in Lucite reinforced ceramic porcelain when in the furnace. Once the process is over, the technicians finish it further by using techniques such as staining and layering to customize it.

Some shortcomings of the IPS Express System

At MedAsia Healthcare Complex, Thailand we offer unbiased advice to all our patients. There are some shortcomings in this system. In a study a high concentration of home bleaching system was used to evaluate its effect on the micro hardness of the IPS Empress Systems, and it was deduced that home bleaching systems may have very little effect on this restorative material. While the IPS Empress System’s survival is almost 96%, most of the failures are caused due to fractures. Also, use of this system is not recommended for the posterior region of the mouth.
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